


Top 10 Global Optical Modules in 2023: Chinese Manufacturers Ranked First for the First Time, with a Total of 7 on the List

Top 10 Global Optical Modules in 2023: Chinese Manufacturers Ranked First for the First Time, with a Total of 7 on the List

Recently, LightCounting, a market research institution in the optical communication industry, released the latest version of the 2023 global optical module TOP10 list.

LightCounting stated that the above chart shows the changes in the TOP10 list of optical module suppliers over the past decade or so. By 2018, most Japanese  and American manufacturers had withdrawn from this market, while the  rankings    of Chinese manufacturers led by Innolight continued   to  rise.   Specifically,   in  2023, Innolight ranked first for the first time, and Coherent (Finisar) ranked   second.


In 2021 and 2022, these two companies tied for first place on the  list,  but  in  2023, Coherent was more involved in the poorly performing   telecommunications   sector than Innolight. Looking at the overall performance of Chinese manufacturers, a total of 7 manufacturers were shortlisted. In 2023, Innolight (ranked 1st), Huawei (ranked 3rd), Accelink (ranked 5th), Hisense Broadband (ranked 6th), Eoptolink (ranked 7th), HG Genuine (ranked 8th),    and   Source      Photonics (ranked   9th). (Note:  Source Photonics has equity participatio from    Chinese    companies  and    is    expected    to further expand its controlling stake and can be classified as a  Chinese     optical module manufacturer) In terms of foreign    manufacturers,  there     are    Coherent (Finisar), Cisco (Acacia), and Marvell.


It should be pointed  out   that   LightCounting previously changed the statistical rule of excluding optical  modules   manufactured by equipment suppliers from the analysis, so equipment    manufacturers   such   as Huawei and Cisco were also able to be listed. Intel was not on the list in this period. It was ranked 9th in 2022. In 2023, Intel announced the divestiture of the pluggable optical module portion of its silicon photonics business.  Previously, Intel had  sold millions of silicon photonics pluggable optical modules to customers, estimated to be more than 5 million. LightCounting pointed out that in 2023, all leading cloud computing companies were accelerating their   investments    in   global    artificial intelligence clusters and interconnecting them with metropolitan area networks, long-haul networks, and submarine networks to keep up with the rapid business development.


Companies such as Amazon, Google, and Meta have such a   huge demand for network equipment and optical connections that each company is a market segment. Nvidia also became a new market  segment   in 2023.   Nvidia’s suppliers, TFC, Innolight, Fabrinet, and Coherent, reported revenue growth. The revenues of all other optical device and module suppliers (tracked byLightCounting) declined in 2023, and none of them collaborated   with Nvidia, at   least     not    yet.


According to C114, judging from the performances  of    the  four  A-share      listed companies on the list in 2023, it can be described as “extremely contrasting”. Except for Innolight, which began receiving orders from AI   enterprises  in March 2023, the performances of other major manufacturers almost  all  declined.  However, starting from the second half of 2023, Eoptolink, Accelink, and HG Genuine also successively obtained related orders from AI enterprises and returned to the growth track.